I went to the Tay for a day at the salmon, Glendelvine was the beat and weather was good air temperature of around 12 degrees and water a surprising 5 degrees. Surprising because the weather has been superb all week with temperatures in the teens and yet the river level was 2ft 6 inches above normal summer level and steady. The water has come from snow melt so I thought it might have been a bit colder. The Tay amazes me in how clear it runs you can see every stone in 6 ft of water. Anyway to high for fly and I do not posses a spinning rod my son Matthew has nicked them. I saw fish but did not connect to any it was a great day by the river practicing my casting. Lots of signs of spring arriving with birds pairing, oyster catchers and mallard, even watched a bumble bee enjoying the sun a buff tailed bumblebee and a queen at that.
Now for the photos I have been to a couple of GAIA casting days recently the last was last weekend on the Welsh Dee at Llangollen. Someone always manages a few photos ( John Symonds was the photographer) and like most people I do not think that I photograph well, I even dislike the sound of my recorded voice.
So I am looking forward to the Lake of Menteith opening day tomorrow we normally manage a few fish so here’s hoping.